
When loose skin, localised fat, or stretch marks cover the abdomen it can greatly reduce the aesthetic look and appeal of the tummy. Following pregnancy, the rectus muscle can separate and result in a bulge. This combined with excess lower abdominal tissue causes patients to become self-conscious. Patients who come to us to address this are not looking for weight-loss. In fact, being overweight can be a reason to postpone any kind of cosmetic surgery. For those patients who live a healthy lifestyle, but whose abdomen retains stubborn fat or loose skin, a tummy tuck is often chosen to improve the shape of the tummy area. It is important to maintain a physical lifestyle for longevity of results.


Stubborn fat

Many patients struggle to shift localised, stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to the usual methods of weight loss such as diet or exercise. Liposuction is an effective way to remove these difficult areas of fat and gain a tighter, more streamlined contour in the chosen area. Liposuction is often performed in conjunction with other procedures such as skin lifts, according to patient preferences.



As we age, the skin on our thighs can become loose and sag in creases or folds. In particular, patients who have undergone significant weight loss or who were recently pregnant can be left with loose, unsightly gatherings of excess skin and flesh on the backs and insides of the thighs. The removing of this excess tissue and tightening of the skin is a body contouring procedure to restore the lines and appearance of the thighs.



Much like the thighs, the upper arms can develop folds and creases of excess skin, sometimes known as ‘bingo wings’. In particular, patients who have undergone significant weight loss can be left with loose, unsightly gatherings of excess skin and flesh on the backs of their upper arms. The removing of this excess tissue and tightening of the skin is a body contouring procedure to restore the lines and appearance of the arms.


Enlarged labia

There are a many reasons females have enlarged labia, including childbirth, aging, and genetics. An enlarged labia can lead to difficulties with exercise, hygiene, urinary tract infections, and sexual activity, as well as undermining self-consciousness when wearing yoga pants, workout pants, and swimming suits. Some women feel highly self-conscious when becoming romantically involved with their partners, if their labia is large.
